auto clear plastic tube packaging boxes machines comparison
automatic clear plastic tube packaging machine economic design model JC-180S-A VS stable design model JC-450S
Auto tube cylinder packaging boxes machine JC-450S
introductions of automatic tube cylinder package boxes machine for raw material provided in piece sheet
Features of auto cylindrical clear plastic tube machine JC-200H
features of fully automatic cylindrical clear package tube boxes making machine for raw material provided in roll.
Application pvc tube candy box machine model JC-200H
Application of automatic pvc tube candy box machine with glue sealing or ultrasonice welding technology for choose….
Choose suitable plastic welding machine
Advantage: good for PVC,PP,ABS,APET,PETG…many kinds of plastic welding…
Disadvantage: good for small size plastic welding. (also called spot welding)…
Applications of HR welder
Normally heat welding has been used as the main technique of joining or welding base materials to top films. It has become more……
Seal Types and Welding Seams
JCwelder’s seam sealers and industrial seam sealing equipment have provided a number of standard seal types that can meet ……
Names of RF (Radio Frequency welding machine)
Three kinds of plastic welding machine for choose.RF stands for Radio Frequency, which is energy that is created by the RF……
How to make a perfect welding result
Levelling the electrode is very important in order to be able to apply an even pressure to the material. If the electrode……
high frequency fusing machine introduction
RF welding is a basic technology, and the basic devices necessary to affect such a weld have not changed since the inception of the process……
High frequency welding two important components
The material to be welded is laid on or in the welding press. In the welding press there are two electrodes present with ……
What materials can be HF welded
The material most common in high frequency welding in PVC(Polyvinylchlorde) (something called simply vinyl) and PU(polyurethane) which……